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ACC 2017, Zagreb

Die Air Cargo Challenge (ACC) ist ein europäischer Wettbewerb, dess Ziel es ist, ein funkgesteuertes Modellflugzeug zu konstruieren, das unter festgelegten Vorgaben in der Lage ist, eine möglichst große Last über eine bestimmte Strecke zu transportieren.

RoWo Terrassa

Rocketry Workshop: Design and build your own rocket!
The attendees, organised in teams, will participate in a project based competition in which they will have to design a rocket according to some requirements given by a costumer. Each team will have to build a model rocket according to design specifications, present and defend the design in a tribunal with the costumer and technical experts, present a small technical report that ensures the safety of the rocket and participate in a launch in which the rocket performance will be assessed.